Back in the #1 spot is UF Health The Villages Hospital. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released 2022 quality ratings in November, and The Villages Hospital remains a 2-star facility based on a number of factors. Patient survey results gave the hospital only one star.
With Snowbird season beginning to ramp up, complaints are already starting to swirl about wait times in the Emergency Department as well as long off-load times for ambulances transporting patients to the hospital.
The March POA General Membership meeting will once again feature Cheryl Chestnutt, the Chief Clinical Officer at UF Health/The Villages Hospital. The meeting is on March 21 at 7 pm at Laurel Manor Recreation Center.
Is This What a 5-Star Hospital Would Do?
(summary of March 21 presentation).
See page 1 article on the April 2023 POA Bulletin.