Hello, and thank you for taking a look at this important function of the POA.
The Board of Directors, at various times, is in need of volunteers to help with programs, projects, or activities they routinely address or plan to address. These can include items such as answering phones or making phone calls, handling correspondence, assisting at membership meetings, attending community meetings, membership-related projects (mailing notices, developing plans, etc.), assisting with POA shredding events, developing/assisting with POA co-sponsored events, researching issues impacting residents, etc.
Whether you have only a few hours of your time or even more to help out…any time would be greatly appreciated…be it volunteering on a one-time basis, on a routine ongoing project/program, or just providing verbal expertise.
We promise to try our best to closely match your talents, expertise, and abilities to any of the programs, projects, or activities we need assistance with…and to contact you (via phone or email) only when we need your assistance in an area that matches your ability and desires.
You will find a Volunteer Registration form below. Please list your contact information, skill sets, experience, preferences, and availability. Then mail or email it to the address and email listed at the bottom of the website.
We believe you would enjoy helping toward our efforts to make The Villages “Florida’s Friendliest Home Town” the best place in America to live and a place where residents know their voice is heard.
Again, thank you for your interest. Question or comment? Email: volunteer@poa4us.org
Please fill out this Volunteer Application Form.